Alternate Title(s)
CAS, Chemical Abstracts
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Please visit SciFinder Scholar Web @ UC Library for details. Registration required with Utica College affiliation.
SciFinder Scholar Web is a specialized chemistry database that provides comprehensive index access to chemistry and related sciences, including:
- Patent and journal references
- Substance information
- Chemical reactions
- Regulated chemicals information
- Commerical available substances
The Chemical Abstract Society, or CAS, is a division of the American Chemical Society. CAS is the vendor responsible for producing SciFinder Scholar Web.
This web-based resource is:
- Restricted to current Utica College student, faculty and staff
- Requires user registration (instructions at SciFinder Scholar Web @ UC Library)
Connect to SciFinder Scholar Web (on or off campus)
Resource Type
Coverage Type
Citations, Abstracts & Full Text
Coverage Dates
1900-Present (coverage varies by database)
Undergraduate, Graduate
Vendor or Contributor
CAS, American Chemical Society (ACS)
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Access Restrictions
Registration Required. Access restricted to current Utica University students, faculty and staff.